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Aluminum Disc for Bakeware

The use of aluminum circle to make bakeware will greatly add the physical and chemical characteristics of cooking utensils


The use of aluminum circle to make bakeware will greatly add the physical and chemical characteristics of cooking utensils, so that the conductivity, thermal conductivity, heat resistance and other characteristics of cooking utensils can be improved, for the production of kua good diet to provide a guarantee.

Aluminum as a very high thermal conductivity of the metal, will not rust, and can adhere to a variety of corrosion resistance.Because aluminum is easy to come into contact with some foods after a long time in the absence of the onset of anodic oxidation of the location of the onset of aluminum oxidation, so in the production of cookware will participate in a small number of other metal elements in the aluminum material to improve the function.Aluminum is commonly stretched, die-cast or anodized.And chemical characteristics.

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